Gili Islands

True to the hippie vibe, magic mushrooms are widely available and openly advertised, particularly on Gili Trawangan. Their legality is questionable, as are any physical and psychological effects.

Be very careful with locally produced booze, especially arak. It can contain methanol and has caused many cases of serious injury and even death among tourists and locals alike.

Various other drugs and intoxicants are readily available and sometimes flaunted as is the case of mushrooms and 'power drinks' at parties, and you can expect to be offered everything from marijuana to methamphetamine. Keep in mind you are still in Indonesia, where drug usage and distribution penalties are extraordinarily harsh ranging from 20 years in a dilapidated prison to the death penalty. On Gili Trawangan, there have been a number of busts of high profile local characters resulting in serious prison sentences. On Gili Air, village leaders have been known to banish tourists from the island for drug usage and several signs posted around the island will remind you of their local laws.

Small but annoying jellyfish are common in the waters around the Gilis during certain moon cycles, with July and August getting the brunt, so wearing a full-length wetsuit or surf skin in the water is advisable. The stings can be quite painful, but they're harmless and usually go away within an hour. The welt from bad multiple stings may last a day.

There are massive spiders roughly the size of a grown man's hand scattered about the islands; while not venomous, their bites can result in a painful wound. Thankfully, avoiding them is relatively easy, don't tread through brush and avoid climbing random trees.

There are no police on any of the islands. Crime is largely limited to opportunistic petty theft, and all problems are usually settled by the local islands councils; if you face larger problems or need to make a police report for insurance purposes, you will need to head over the mainland to do it.

[edit from 2012 May] There is as minimum as 5 police units on Gili Trawangan. So - don't do nothing restricted, be smartĀ :)

All three islands have a small, simple clinic. For serious problems, visitors should get back to Lombok or preferably Bali as quickly as possible.

Tap water is very salty and not potable. Bottled water is widely available and many cafes, dive shops, and stores will fill up bottles for Rp 3,000, reducing waste and costing less than a new bottle. The refill supplies can be a little erratic in availability at times; however, do not be concerned as drinking water is always available for sale on the Gili Islands.

There are many self-styled gigolos anxious to swoon foreign girls on Gili Trawangan and Gili Air. If you're female and on your own even temporarily, you will be approached often. If you find yourself swept off your feet, condoms are available at most little stores.

Thanks to the islands' dryness, mosquitoes can be quite rare, but there have been a few cases of malaria and dengue reported, mostly during the rainy season. Mosquito repellent, mosquito nets and long sleeves at dusk are wise precautions. Please see main Lombok article for notes on malaria, dengue fever DHF, methyl alcohol adulteration of traditional local drinks such as arak, and other tips for your health and safety whilst on the Gili Islands.


Ramadan dates

2012 1433: Jul 20 - Aug 18

2013 1434: Jul 9 - Aug 7

2014 1435: Jun 28 - Jul 27

The festival of Eid ul-Fitr is held after the end of Ramadan and may last several days. Exact dates depend on astronomical observations and may vary from country to country.

The Gilis may feel like Bali at times but the locals are Muslim, and while they are used to the endless parade of westerners partying on their front lawn, it is good to show some respect. Never sunbathe nude or topless, cover up away from the beach no bikinis, avoid excessive displays of affection in public, and treat early-morning prayer calls from the mosque as just part of the local character.

Little changes on the Gili Islands during the fasting month of Ramadan, as food is served during the day and bars stay open at night. However, many dive shops cut down the diving schedule to cater for fasting locals, and out of respect you should also refrain from blatantly eating, drinking or smoking in public.

emergency service
+62 370 622 254, +62 370 623 489In emergency dial - 118

The reality is that unless within the confines of the main city of Mataram/Ampenan/Cakranegara an ambulance is normally too far away to provide prompt transport in the case of a true emergency. Most often a taxi, police vehicle or a private car is used to get someone requiring urgent medical attention to a hospital. The ambulances in Lombok are more often used in the role of assisted patient transport rather than for first responder/paramedic supported emergency assistance and transport. Obviously for the Gili islands a boat transfer to the mainland is required.


Several hospitals are located on the nearby mainland in city of Mataram including the islands principal public hospital Rumah Sakit Umun and also the Risa Hospital in Cakranegara near Mataram mall.

Please see the Lombok main article for a list of medical facilities available in Mataram.


Mobile phone towers ensure you're never out of touch. Telekomsel's Simpati SIM card has the strongest and most reliable coverage on the Gili islands. Internet cafes are quite widespread but connections often very slow.

There is no post office on the Gilis, but William's Bookshop, right behind the Art Market on Gili Trawangan, sells stamps and can mail out your postcards.


The islands have no supplies of completely fresh water, although some is distinctly less brackish than others.

There is a very spotty electricity supply; it's not uncommon for power to be off for hours at a time on a daily basis, and the same goes for water as most is directly fed by electric pumps. Many upmarket hotels, restaurants and dive shops have generators, and there are tentative plans for solar and wind power generation. It is worth checking with your chosen accommodation whether they have a generator.

Laundry can be arranged through most guesthouses, expect to pay by piece rather than by load. The cost can add up quick, you may want to consider hand-washing smaller items yourself, clothes dry very quickly in the equatorial sun.

Medical clinics

medical clinics
Puskesmas Tanjung
+62 370 623 010

This is a local municipal health clinic rather than an emergency centre.

medical clinics
Klinik Risa
Jl. Pejanggik No.115, Cakranegara
+62 370 625 560
24 hr Emergency room (UGD)
just east of Mataram mall on the right hand side of the road

Full hospital facilities available on site, specialist consulting rooms and Dentist.